Marble Racing Leaderboards
Season statistics
1953/1953 known players this season.
87416 update entries in history.
Ranks over points
Top 10 over time
Updates over time
This is a leaderboard that used to automatically update the rankings for Marble / Gusher Racing. It kept track of the Twitch
and Discord chat to get the latest data.
Since April 3rd, 2021 these leaderboards are now archived and static. In the case the game ever comes back
in the same form, I'll likely spin up the dynamic version again. It probably won't, though. :(
I used Node.js to write the
backend. This is the first time that I have ever used Node, and I think
it's pretty awesome. To store the data I used SQLite3. Frontend is just
basic HTML5, CSS3 and pure JavaScript (EMCA6)
The Marble Racing Team
Created Twitch Marble / Gusher Racing
tmi.js contributors
Created tmi.js for easy to use access to the Twitch API
Dave Gandy
Created and published Font Awesome for free
Created the gusher-style art assets
Made this leaderboard
Formerly provided hosting (frontend & backend until 2017-09-23)
Formerly provided hosting (frontend until 2017-08-24)